Kia Kaha, Kia Toa - Be Strong, Be Brave
Confident, independent, highly achieving students who enjoy learning

Principal’s Welcome to Hataitai School
Hataitai School is a state school located at the top of the Eastern Peninsula of Wellington catering for Year 0 – 8 students, with approximately 250 pupils. The school was opened in 1921 as the Roseneath Side School. Due to the pandemic we celebrated the school Centenary in 2023.
Our motto created in 1921 “ Kia Kaha - Kia Toa; Be Strong, Be Brave” is an integral part of who we are and all that we aspire to be as a learning community.
Our vision statement - ‘Confident, independent, highly achieving students who enjoy learning’ calls us to provide an outstanding education, and will nurture each child’s potential. Our children’s learning and wellbeing are at the centre of all our decision making. Through our dedicated and skilled staff we help children reach success within a supportive and caring environment . We provide high quality, child-centered and purposeful learning programmes. We encourage our children to be actively engaged in their learning through a rich curriculum, cultural and sporting opportunities.
We endeavour to have strong partnerships with families/whānau and the Hataitai community, working together for our children adn their learning. We are very proud of and embrace our cultural diversity. There is a real sense of history, community, commitment and pride in our school.
There are three Learning Teams:
Papatūānuku (Earth) - Years 1, 2 and 3
Ngā Wai (Water) - Years 4, 5 and 6
Ahi (Fire) - Years 7 and 8
Our Educational Philosophies Are Embedded In Our Mission Statement:
Kia Kaha, Kia Toa - Be Strong, Be Brave
Our Vision Belief:
Confident, independent, highly achieving students who enjoy learning.
Our Value system is founded in the philosophy of RESPECT.
MANA - Respect for Self
MANAAKI - Respect for Others
AKO - Respect for Learning
Jacinta Simpson
Hataitai School
Term Dates 2025
Board of Trustee Meetings 2025
Thursday 20 February 6:30pm - BOT Meeting No. 1
Thursday 27 March 6:30pm - BOT Meeting No. 2
Thursday 15 May 6:30pm - BOT Meeting No. 3
Thursday 19 June 6:30pm - BOT Meeting No. 4
Thursday 31 July 6:30pm - BOT Meeting No. 5
Thursday 04 September 6:30pm - BOT Meeting No. 6
Thursday 23 October 6:30pm - BOT Meeting No. 7
Thursday 27 November 6:30pm - BOT Meeting No. 8
School Hours
Students are welcome from 8:15am
Class begins at 8:55am
School day ends at 3:00pm
TERM ONE - Monday 03 February - Friday 11 April
Wednesday 29 January Teacher Only Day
Thursday 30 January Teacher Only Day
Friday 31 January Teacher Only Day
Monday 03 February School Commences 8:55am – all students
Thursday 06 February Waitangi Day Public Holiday – school closed
Monday 24 March Ministry Funded Maths Curriculum Day 1 – school closed
TERM TWO - Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Monday 28 April School Commences 8:55am – all students
Monday 02 June King’s Birthday – school closed
Friday 20 June Matariki Public Holiday – school closed
TERM THREE - Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Monday 14 July School Commences 8:55am – all students
Friday 08 August Ministry Funded Maths Curriculum Day 2 – school closed
TERM FOUR - Monday 06 October – Wednesday 17 December
Monday 06 October School Commences 8:55am – all students
Friday 24 October Labour Weekend – school closed
Monday 27 October Labour Weekend – school closed

Bottle Drive - late 1970s - early 1980s